Administrative Matters and More

7 We’re reaching the home stretch. All periods turned in their textbooks today — a…

May 24, 2010


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Mr. Scott


We’re reaching the home stretch.

All periods turned in their textbooks today — a good sign that we’re nearing the end.

Fourth period did some administrative work (participation evaluation, books, etc.) and continued with their essays. I had a chance to look over many first drafts, and we’ll finish it up tomorrow (I hope).

Second period continued with their science fiction stories. I looked over some first drafts and made some suggestions for improving second drafts.

First and seventh periods spent a final day on the project. Those who’d completed the project turned it in for full credit. Those who spent the day working on it but turned it in at the end received a ten percent deduction. Work turned in tomorrow will be worth eighty percent. No work will be accepted after tomorrow.