Thursday Overview

First period completed the 1930 section of The Glory Field. We completed the plot chart…

April 15, 2010


Read more

Mr. Scott

First period completed the 1930 section of The Glory Field. We completed the plot chart and discussed the upward motion of the plot (how, even though Luvenia doesn’t get what she wants, she still gains something).

Second period went over the escape in The Giver.

Fourth period completed sentence types. We’ll be doing some more isolated practice, and we will certainly be applying the skills to the term paper we will begin shortly.

Seventh period read: so many students were out for MAP make-up testing that I decided not to go forward with the lesson.

  • First and seventh periods: look over vocabulary words for 1930.
  • Second period: read chapter 22.
  • Fourth period: see yesterday’s update.