Release from the Mystery

Two mysteries solved: what is Release (The Giver) and who is Pip’s benefactor (Great Expectations).…

April 14, 2010


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Mr. Scott

Two mysteries solved: what is Release (The Giver) and who is Pip’s benefactor (Great Expectations). Now both classes can sigh in relief.

First and seventh periods went over the plot of the “Mach 1930” section of The Glory Field. We worked on the exposition, rising action, and falling action.

Fourth and second periods also worked on elements of the plot.

  • First and seventh period:
    • read through page 208;
    • continue with the summary notes.
  • Second period: read chapter twenty.
  • Fourth period (due Friday):
    • read chapters 40 and 41;
    • in addition to normal reader’s journal entries, write an entry discussing what might be the falling action of the novel if chapter 39 represents the climax.