Pronouns, Reviews, and A Boy on the Floor

First and seventh periods worked on reflexive and intensive pronouns. First period completed everything; seventh…

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Mr. Scott

First and seventh periods worked on reflexive and intensive pronouns. First period completed everything; seventh period needs to work on practice exercises.

Additionally, first and seventh periods were assigned journals. First, second, and seventh periods are now working on identical journal assignments. The requirements are simple:

  1. Write daily.
  2. Write deeply (always ask “Why” and go a little deeper than “I had a test in math today. I think I failed.”)
  3. Avoid slang.

There are no length guidelines. It’s a question of quality over quantity.

Second period looked at how to write a review. They’ll be writing a review of Much Ado About Nothing after they watch it.

Fourth period went over the study guide for III.i through III.iii. We finished up watching III.iv. I’ve instructed students to go back and read the portions of the play we didn’t act out in class.

  • First and second period: journal entries.
  • Second period:
    • journal entries;
    • prepare for presentations (tomorrow).
  • Fourth:
    • read sample answer;
    • review III.i through III.iv;
    • answer discussion questions.