Nouns, Balconies, and Act 3

First and seventh periods began a slow overview of the eight parts of speech, beginning…

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Mr. Scott

First and seventh periods began a slow overview of the eight parts of speech, beginning with nouns today. We’ve neglected grammar this year, and now we’re going to remedy that. We’re continuing with the literature circles tomorrow.

Second period went over act three from Much Ado About Nothing. We’ll finish the play by the end of next week.

Fourth period finished Romeo and Juliet II.ii. We’ll slowly begin picking up the pace: we’ve become more comfortable with the text, and I’ve decided we’ll do some of it through home readings.

(New pictures of second and fourth periods at the gallery.)

  • First and seventh periods: continue reading your book (you’ll need to have all the work completed next Wednesday).
  • Second period: complete the study guide for act three.
  • Fourth period: answer the essay question on the R&J discussion forum.