Imagery, Persuasion, and Newspaper Articles

First and seventh periods finished up the poetry units with a look at imagery and…

December 07, 2009


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Mr. Scott

First and seventh periods finished up the poetry units with a look at imagery and a final poem.

Second period began a short unit on persuasive writing. First and seventh periods will start tomorrow.

Fourth period began a short writing project to wrap up To Kill a Mockingbird. We’ll begin researching materials for the comparison/contrast essay we’ll be writing for the book.

  • First, second, and seventh periods: work on poetry project (due Monday 14 December). (This includes the newly-assigned month poem.)
  • Second period: complete the “Persuasion is All Around You” handout.
  • Fourth period: use the Usage Glossary at the back of the textbook to determine the difference between “affect” and “effect.