Inductive Ballads

First, second, and seventh began by adding a poem to the portfolio we’re creating. It…

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Mr. Scott

First, second, and seventh began by adding a poem to the portfolio we’re creating. It was an effort to help the students understand a simple process of creating poems that involves brainstorming, organizing, and modifying to create sentences that can be shaped into a poem.

Afterward, the classes returned to the Bob Dylan ballad “Boots of Spanish Leather” to discern patterns and elements of language in an inductive reasoning exercise to determine the general elements of a ballad from specific ballads.

Fourth period began discussing the trial and the morality of various characters. In class, we began a writing assignment (that will morph into a discussion tomorrow).

  • Mr. Dolphus Raymond
  • Miss Maudie
  • Aunt Alexandra
  • Reverend Sykes
  • Judge Taylor
  • Bob Ewell
  • Mayella Ewell
  • Heck Tate
  1. Rank these characters order from the most moral to the least moral.
  2. For the two extremes, write a paragraph explanation of why you placed him/her in the two extreme positions.

Upon seeing some confusion about what “moral” and “morality” means, I decided to have students look at three normative ethics theories for homework.

  • First and second periods:
    • complete Thanksgiving poem;
    • complete ballad inductive reasoning graphic organizer.
  • Seventh period: complete Thanksgiving poem.
  • Fourth period: