Poetry, Context, and a Question of Trust

First and seventh periods worked on using context clues to determine unfamiliar words’ meanings. Second…

November 16, 2009


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Mr. Scott

First and seventh periods worked on using context clues to determine unfamiliar words’ meanings.

Second period went over their animal poems (that must exhibit clear meter as well as onomatopoeia).

Fourth period took some time to correct their parts of speech test from Friday (for half credit) and then we went over the first chapters of To Kill a Mockingbird.

  • First period:
    • use context clues to determine the meaning of “immensity” in “Your World”;
    • add this information as an example for the context notes.
  • Second period:
    • scan the first four lines of “Silver”;
    • complete draft of animal poem (which includes discernible meter and onomatopoeia); and
    • read “Your World” (605).
  • Fourth period:
    • copy your journal entry from today’s class into the forum (make sure you reply to my initial post)forum
    • reply to at least one student’s journal entry (make sure all students have one response each).