Modeling and Revising

First and seventh periods had a great: Ms. Woods, our District Instructional Facilitator (DIF) and…

September 29, 2009


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Mr. Scott

First and seventh periods had a great: Ms. Woods, our District Instructional Facilitator (DIF) and a former English teacher herself, came into the classroom today to model with me what peer conferencing looks like. We’ve been trying to do it for the past couple of days, but I realized that it’s something that really needs to be shown. Her observations about my own first draft were spot-on. Afterward, the students returned to their partners and tried to emulate what Ms. Woods and I did.

Second period worked on stems and completed the first round of peer conferencing.

Fourth period discussed the Antigone project, drafting a rubric and getting started with peer conferencing. We looked at the following points.

  • Did you explain the examples well?
  • Did you put the correct number of examples?
  • Did you explain in depth?
  • Are there any examples that are merely summarized and are not analyzed?
  • Do my paragraphs show unity?
  • Are my topic sentences clear?
  • Are the sentences fluent and make sense?
  • Do I leave any content gaps? (Are there any spots where the readers are asking questions?)

Second and fourth periods: second draft of memoir/Antigone analysis (respectively) due tomorrow.

First and seventh period: none (study for Friday’s stem’s quiz).