Library Day

After completing the starter, first, fourth, and seventh periods went to the library to learn…

September 23, 2009


Read more

Mr. Scott

After completing the starter, first, fourth, and seventh periods went to the library to learn about the new Junior Book Award nominees for the year.


Seventh Period Working on the Starter

In order to qualify to vote, students must read three of the twenty books nominated. For those who complete these books, extra credit will be available.

Seventh Period Working on the Starter

Seventh Period Working on the Starter

Fourth period continued with Antigone. I introduced the concept of hubris as we examined the scene with Creon and Tiresias.

We’re now officially behind with the book. I anticipate finishing this Friday, though, leaving us only two days behind.

  • First, second, and seventh periods: assuming a student has completed the first draft of the memoir, these classes have no homework.
  • Fourth period: read the Antigone project. (The example is, of course, based on Lord of the Flies.)