Catch Up

First period worked on iambic pentameter to increase their understanding of Shakespeare’s poetic writing. Second…

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Mr. Scott

First period worked on iambic pentameter to increase their understanding of Shakespeare’s poetic writing.

Second period, quite bluntly, didn’t do the reading for today. This was confirmed, in class, by the quiz results. We did it in class, turning the quiz into study questions for another grade to offset the quiz grades.

Fourth period looked at verb tense consistency. There were lots of issues with verb tense consistency in their Charlie projects, so I decided to add a quick lesson to deal with that teachable moment.

Sixth period began the Shakespeare unit. We’ll likely be doing the verb tense consistency lesson later, for their projects have just been turned in.

  • First period: study questions on iambic pentameter.
  • Second period:
    • For Wednesday (tomorrow): chapters 23-26;
    • For Thursday 4/16: chapters 27-29;
    • For Friday 4/17: chapters 30-33.

    Fourth and sixth: none.