Ballads and Blossoming Love

Fourth and sixth periods looked at a scene from The Diary of Anne Frank that…

October 30, 2008


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Mr. Scott

Fourth and sixth periods looked at a scene from The Diary of Anne Frank that shows how Peter and Anne’s relationship is changing, and then began working on a similar entry for their diary project. As students worked, I conferenced with individual students regarding various elements of the new PASS rubric.

Second period examined ballads. We worked on a song/ballad to begin discovering the characteristics of a ballad. Students will continue working on the characteristics at home by exploring other ballads. We used a graphic to organize our work.

First period did, more or less, what fourth and sixth periods did, except without the Anne Frank selection.

  • First, fourth, and sixth: finish diary entries.
  • Second: complete graph using ballads listed on our Moodle site.