Anne Frank and Research

First period began a small project on the effect of point of view. Working in…

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Mr. Scott

First period began a small project on the effect of point of view. Working in pairs, students took an episode from The Diary of Anne Frankthat affects all characters and looked at it from a different point of view. We did this in two ways: first, students wrote diary entries from another character’s point of view; second, students created a dialogue between one of the characters and one of his/her pre-war friends. (Of course, to accomplish this, we had to engage in the suspension of disbelief, as only Otto Frank survived.)

Second period continued working on their To Kill a Mockingbird projects (the newspaper and the compare/contrast essay).

Fourth and sixth periods were not as productive as they should be. Too many students are not doing their homework, and since homework is often reading, we cannot continue with the unit until the reading gets done. To that end, we read silently in class today with the understanding that it will be the last time it will happen. We will have quizzes over material to encourage more reading at home.

Fourth and sixth periods also discussed the effect their homework apathy is having on their grades.

  • First period: diary entry six.
  • Second period: continue research for the compare/contrast essay.
  • Fourth and sixth periods: quiz tomorrow on Anne Frank through page 798.