Genocide Background and Presentations

First period began the project we’ll be working on while reading Anne Frank. Students will…

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Mr. Scott

First period began the project we’ll be working on while reading Anne Frank. Students will create a 10-12 entry diary modeled on Anne Frank’s diary. Today, they chose one of the following locations/historical events as their setting:

  • Rwanda (Jean Kambanda, 1994)
  • Cambodia (Pol Pot, 1975-79)
  • Uganda (Idi Amin, 1969-1979)
  • Yugoslavia (Slobodan Milosevic, 1992-96)
  • Chile (Augusto Pinochet)
  • China (Mao Ze-Dong 1958-61 and 1966-69)
  • Turkey (Ismail Enver, 1915-20)
  • Afghanistan (Mullah Omar and the Taliban, 1986-2001)
  • Darfur, Sudan (present day)

Fourth, and sixth periods are finished up the anticipatory lesson today, drawing on students’ prior knowledge of the Holocaust and making it personal through a series of reflective writing exercises. We finished the slide show I created about the Holocaust.



Gas Chamber Ruins

Second period continued working on To Kill a Mockingbird. We should be finishing up Monday.

  • First period: none (except for research on project).
  • Second period: chapters 24-28.
  • Fourth and sixth periods: complete the reflection exercise we began in class.