Conclusion and the Depression

First, fourth, and sixth periods finished “Cub Pilot,” and everyone was relieved to see Brown…

August 29, 2008


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Mr. Scott

First, fourth, and sixth periods finished “Cub Pilot,” and everyone was relieved to see Brown get his just dues.

Second period watched a short clip about the Great Depression, listened to a song about a share cropper, and, running out of time, prepared for an essay question that should have been a class discussion.

  • First, fourth, and sixth periods:
    • Finish conflict graphic organizer;
    • Finish prediction graphic organizer;
    • Review vocabulary (52);
    • Prepare for selection test on Wednesday.
  • Second period:
    • Read chapters 11-19 of Caged Bird;
    • Complete quizzes online;
    • Complete essay question concerning the Depression and Caged Bird.