First Encounters with Shakespeare

Today in class we made an insanely long sentence by adding words after words to…

October 26, 2015


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Today in class we made an insanely long sentence by adding words after words to create it.We also made our first encounter with Shakespeare, we read Sonnet 29 and divided ย up the sonnet by creating two lists to understand how each part modifiesย a certain thing.

Here are the sentences we made in Class today:

6th period:

When I, driving home from school in my new car, which I won for killing so many zombies at Zombie Fest 2015 because Iโ€™m a rick grimes impersonator (and no one else attended the event), eat five slices of warm pepperoni and ham pizza with anchovies and bull’s blood from Pizza Hut, I worry, perhaps needlessly, about the zombie apocalypse and that a zombie will come in front of my car and make me spill my large no ice Pepsi, which was of course Wild Cherry.

7th period:

Because I, in my scorn for all things carbonated, hate drinking not-very-delicious Pepsi, I drink something else, like hot, as in scalding hot, chocolate when I don’t get home from school as easily as I like on a damp, cold day after a seemingly vicious D— brutally attack me with a basketball-sized cupcake that happened to be made from inorganic flour and eggs from chickens that aren’t cage-free.

Here are today’s notes:

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  • English I Honors: Finish what we started in class for part A.