TDA and Decompression

All eighth graders took the Text Dependent Analysis portion of the district-mandated quarterly benchmark test today.  As such, most students were fairly exhausted when they got to class, and since we were on a short testing schedule, with each class afterward lasting...
TDA and Chess

TDA and Chess

Today being reward day for the third quarter, all classes were shorter than usual. English I Honors students worked on Text Dependent Analysis questions in preparation for Monday’s TDA benchmark. English 8 students who were completely caught up worked on...

Trial and Friday Work on Thursday

English 8 students did their Friday inference/make-up work today since we’ll have a shortened day tomorrow due to reward day. English I students had their final day of trial analysis, and some groups really came up with some fascinating insights. HomeworkEnglish...

Trial and Socratic Seminar

English 8 students had a Socratic Seminar about whether or not it’s a good idea for people like Harriet Tubman, who had escaped slavery, to risk it all to go back to help others. We had a variety of opinions and a number of good points. English I Honors students...

Catch Up and Testimony

English 8 students had some time today to catch up. We didn’t finish our discussion prep on Thursday, so we finished that up, and we had a chance to make up some other missing work and prepare for tomorrow’s vocabulary quiz. English I Honors began...