Tuesday’s Work

Third and Fourth Periods This is where you will do your work for today. The three questions are ordered in their title (i.e., 1, 2, 3). Make sure you answer them in order. Then go back and respond to others’ responses. Fifth and Sixth Periods This is where you...
Sticking Food and a Poem

Sticking Food and a Poem

English I Honors students went over the Missionary Society tea party passage in To Kill a Mockingbird. We’re working toward the discovery of the irony that’s at the heart of the passage. English 8 students began their first poem, which is ironically a poem...
Tea Party and a Test

Tea Party and a Test

English 8 students had their third-quarter vocabulary test today. They’ll have a chance to do corrections, with the average of the two grades counting, starting tomorrow. English I Honors students worked on the curious twenty-fourth chapter of To Kill a...

Field Trip and New Unit

English 8 students began a new unit, with a mystery EQ which students were to determine at the end of the day. English I Honors students had a quiz on To Kill a Mockingbird and used the time while the majority of students were out on a field trip to read chapter 24....