Maps and Tours

Maps and Tours

English I Honors students went over the second general plan that Dickens uses for his chapters in Great Expectations. Students in English 8 students took a break from the play today since we had a shortened class due to reward day in order to look at an online...
Initial Drama and a Chapter Map

Initial Drama and a Chapter Map

English 8 students began acting out The Diary of Anne Frank in class with sometimes-comic results. We were working on close reading of the text — really close reading, it turned out. We’ll finish up tomorrow. English I Honors students worked on the second...
First Day Back

First Day Back

English 8 students had a Socratic Seminar as the initiation of our newest and last substantial unit. We looked at a few questions about being a hero: What is it? What does a hero do? Who can be a hero? What sets a hero apart from “normal” people? What are some...