Flea Market

Flea Market

In my wife’s home village of Jablonka, just a few miles from the Slovak border in southern Poland, there is a huge flea market every Wednesday. You can buy everything from tractor parts to dress clothes, from pig intestines (for making sausages) to cameras, from...

Participles and Close Reading

Since we had the district-mandated second-quarter English benchmark test today, we only had half an hour per class. English 8 students continued with their close reading of an extremely tough text, the autobiography of Frederick Douglass. English I Honors students...
3.5 and a Tough Text

3.5 and a Tough Text

Effective readers do a lot of things without even thinking about it. It’s as if their brains are divided: half the brain engaged with reading; the other half is monitoring comprehension, connecting to prior knowledge, commenting on the text, making predictions....

Science Benchmark and Quick Work

Since we had the district-mandated second-quarter science benchmark test today, we only had half an hour per class. In English I Honors we went over prepositional phrases to solve any misunderstandings from the IXL work on that topic. In English 8 we spent time on IXL...