Active/Passive Anne Frank

English I Honors students did a quick review of active/passive voice. English 8 students continued with Diary of Anne Frank. HomeworkEnglish 8: turn in one-pager if you haven’t already (it’s already late). English I Honors:  complete the three...

End of Simple Week

As most of the English I students were on the Beta Club trip, we didn’t do anything new in English I Honors. However, we will have a very busy week as we prepare for the writing portion of the End of Course exam. I encourage you, students, to redouble your...
The Neighbor

The Neighbor

Once, when we were exploring my mother’s-in-law childhood home, the neighbor, like all good village Polish grandmas, kept an eye out.

The Cave and the Annex

English 8 students began reading and examining in earnest The Diary of Anne Frank. We’ll be reading it in class for the first act, changing to literature circles and presentations for the second act. English I Honors students worked on “The Allegory of the...


Mr. Jim Bannister, a local attorney who has much experience in criminal law, visited our class today to help students evaluate the job that Atticus Finch did in representing Tom Robinson. English 8 students continued with The Diary of Anne Frank. HomeworkEnglish 8...